Thursday, November 15, 2012

BIG update....

A LOT has happened since that first post. In the next few days (or weeks) I'll add a post of pictures for each month Dex has been here. I'll try to just post my favorites from each month since I have SO MANY.

Maybe I'll get good at this and actually post each month for the new little bamino that's on the way least I hope it's a bamino. Another boy would be so great. No pictures of this one yet though.

In other news, Dex has recenly started to sit up without doing the "tri-pod", finally learned to crawl noramlly-- not just the commando crawl-- although it's clear that is still his method of choice, and pull himself up. Last night Harold and Sam lowered his crib and he can pull himself right up with the "bars" and stand peeking over the top. It won't be long before it has to be lowered again I have a feeling.

Nothing new with Harold and I (I mean except for the new baby on the way--only 7 weeks along at this point) is pretty much all about Dex right now! And we're loving it!


  1. Yay! Look at all you've done on here! I love it. Keep it up miss:)

    p.s. I LOVE the title you chose for this blog-did you not figure out the header picture? It looks good without...

  2. Oh, just kidding! The picture took forever to load-that's all. I love it. Keep it the way it is:)

  3. Thanks! I'm going to try to be good about it. By that I mean at least 1 post per month after I'm done getting up to spead :)

    Do you know the song "Lake of Fire"? (At least I think that's what it's called)...that's where I got the idea for the title of this blog...just a bit backwards.
