Wednesday, November 21, 2012

I've Got Spirit, Yes I do

In the spirit of Thanksgiving, I thought I would do a post about what I am thankful for at this point in my life, and since I'm 27, I thought a list of 27 things I'm thankful for would be fitting! (In no particular order, except for the first 2)

1. My husband
2. My Dex
3. Harold and my jobs
4. My health
5. My Bush Family
6. My Haney Family
7. Heather, Jared and Eli
8. The Martinez family (mostly Desiree)
9. Mary- I really don't know where I'd be without my Mary.
10. The fact that I am able to have babies
11. The baby in my belly
12. My friends
13. Food!
14. Being able to share the holidays with family
15. The fact that Dex has such a big, wonderful family to grow up with.
16. The country we live in (even though it has some serious issues)
17. The people who fight for our freedom- and their families.
18. Technology
19. Dex's laugh
20. Church- It is such a huge part of my life now and I'm thankful for the fact that our babies will grow up knowing their Heavenly Father.
21. My matured patience
22. The fact that Dex has so many other babies close to his age that are cousins or friends.
23. Our home
24. Skype
25. Harold's 2 week menu that he creates for us. It makes planning dinner so easy, and is great for the budget.
26. Our first babies, George and Ernie- they can be such brats, but I love them.
27. Utah- So many wonderful things have happened for me since I moved here that wouldn't have if I didn't.

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